
Eosinophilia and Antiphospholipid Antibodies: Double Thrombogenic Hits? A New Case with a Systematic Review

Ames PRJ, Merashli M, Graf M, Scarpato N, Arcaro A and Gentile F

Peripheral blood eosinophilia (PBE) may be associated with the development of thrombosis and this holds true also for transient PBE though in the latter case the likely hood of thrombosis may not be as high as for long standing PBE. The co-existence of transient PBE with other pro-coagulant factors may precipitate thrombosis in some patients. We report a young gentleman with PBE of unknown cause who developed thrombosis at the peak of his transient PBE and was later found to have antiphospholipid antibodies. We performed a systematic review to evaluate how often the two conditions co-existed, their clinical expression and their management.