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Maturation and Larval Production of Japanese Female Eel (Anguilla japonica) Produced by Induction of Early Metamorphosis for Long-Term Breeding

Yutaka Kawakami

Our previous study reported artificial production of glass eels of Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) by inducing early metamorphosis with Thyroid Hormone (TH) treatment. The purpose of this study was to clarify whether the artificial glass eels produced by TH treatment can grow and acquire fertility. TH-treated glass eels were feminized by feeding with an estradiol-supplemented diet. After being raised for 8 years, three females were brought to sexual maturity with artificial gonadotropic hormones. Fertilized eggs and hatched larvae were obtained from two of the three fish. Collectively, our findings show that the TH-treated glass eel grows smoothly, acquires fertility, and can reproduce successfully.