
Quality of Life of Nursing Home Residents: A Comparative Study of Persons with and Without Dementia in Regular Units, and Persons with Dementia in Different Care Settings

Sundaran Kada

Purpose: To compare the quality of life (QoL) between persons with and without dementia in regular nursing home units, and to compare the QoL between persons with dementia in different care settings.

Method: A one-time survey was carried out using the adapted Norwegian version of the dementia specific questionnaire, QoL-AD. Subjects were non-random (convenience) sample.

Results: No significant differences in QoL-AD score between residents with and without dementia in regular units (p=0.38), between residents with dementia in different care settings (p=0.27) was found. A significant difference in QoL-AD score between residents with different marital status (p=0.05) were observed.

Conclusion: The study identified no significant differences in QoL among people with and without dementia in regular units and between residents with dementia in regular units and special care units. The married residents were significantly lower quality of life than unmarried.