
Radiological Patterns of Hepatocellular Cancers Vis-????-Vis Histopathological Differentiation: A Radiological Appraisal

Khizer Razak, Surbhi Gupta and Meena GL

Aims and Objectives: The objective of our study is to determine the degree of radio-pathological correlation of HCC according to our experience at our institution.

Methods: Radiological parameters: All patients underwent a dynamic imaging study by CT and/or MRI, including at least one image acquisition in the arterial phase and another in the portal phase.

Pathological parameters: The 63 patients presented histological confirmation of HCC, obtained by means of a biopsy with a thick needle of 18 G or in a surgical specimen. In all of them, the histological grade of the tumor was assessed according to the WHO classification, which distinguishes 4 grades: well differentiated (BD), moderately differentiated (MD), poorly differentiated (PD) and undifferentiated. These last two were grouped into a single group.

Conclusion: Characteristics of HCC helps in the estimation of the histological grade: arterial phase enhancement, washing, heterogeneity of the lesions, regularity of the contours and the presence of fat deposits and intratumoral vessels.