
The Effect of Income Level and Attention Parents on Student Learning Value in Selayar

Nur Astaman

This research aims to determine the effect level of parental income and partially and simultaneously on student learning value in SMAN 1 Benteng Selayar. The independent variable in this research is twofold Parental Income Level (X1) and Attention Parents (X2), while the dependent variable in this research is Student Learning Value (Y). The results showed that the partial variables are positive and significant impact on the parents income level of student learning value. While variable parental attention but not significant positive effect on student learning value. Simultaneously, the variable level of income and parents' attention positive and significant impact on student learning value. Education is essentially a conscious effort to develop personality and human capabilities with the intention of helping students to reach the level of maturity. On the other hand, education is an effort towards improvement of human life better. For that education continues without beginning or end, or without any limits of space and time throughout life. Another term is called life long education (education throughout life). Every citizen has the same right to education and the government is obliged to provide and organize a national education system for its citizens. This is in accordance with the Indonesian national education goals by Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System, namely: "National education aimed at developing students' potential to become a man of faith and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and to be responsible". In line with previous case that the fourth paragraph under the 1945 Constitution which reads, "Educating the nation and participate in the establishment of world order", it implies that one purpose of the state is the nation's intellectual life. This means that the effort in educating the nation's most the main is a state or government in this regard. Good effort through education or training, where such efforts are an important means to develop the achievements of citizens and human resources in Indonesia. So that people can meet their needs very well, as it also provides an alternative that is appropriate to address the problems of life and their lives. Human resources, particularly education must be realized by all parties, including government, private and community. The usefulness of this is to improve the economic life in the future. Be aware that the level of education is closely related to the cost of education, educational facilities and other factors related to education. But the most important things that affect education, especially education in a family environment is the income level of the family. The level of parental income, education level, as well as attitudes towards social problems and the reality of life is a factor that will provide experience to the children and will make a difference in the interest, appreciation, attitude and understanding of the economic, Perbendaharan language, abilitas communicate with others, mode of thinking, speaking habits, and patterns of cooperative relationships with other people. These differences will be very influential in behavior and actions in learning at school. (Oemar, 2002: 182). The economic status of parents in terms of income levels of parents have a strong influence in creating an atmosphere of student learning. Parents whose income is high does not necessarily loyal to fulfillment facilities and infrastructure facilities to learn their children, otherwise there are parents who are low-income backgrounds but very big attention to the fulfillment of learning facilities children. The attention of the family (parents) as the primary environment, first, and closest to the child to be paramount. Understanding, acceptance, understanding, and help parents become very meaningful to the children in order to redirect the life and achievements prastasi (learning value) is better. As presented by Abdul Hamid Ulwani (2006: 78) that the factors parents have the most important position in determining the merits of a child's learning value compared to other factors (teachers, schools). Based on the pre-research that researchers do against students at SMAN 1 Benteng, there is a gap between the results of preliminary observations with previous exposure to some experts. Observations indicate a student is learning very good value but after investigators searched his parents' attention turns minimal. Conversely, there are students who are learning the value of being high turns his attention to his parents. Thus, it can simply be said that the level of income and parental attention have an influence on the value of student learning