
The management of an odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract: a case report

The odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract on the facial and cervical skin is known to occur as a result
of pulp necrosis and chronic periapical periodontitis. A 15 year-old male was referred to our clinic
complaining of a draining sinus tract on his right cheek. In clinical examination, caries was detected
in the mandibular right first molar tooth. In radiographic assessment, periapical lesion was
noticed associated with roots of mandibular right first molar. Root canal treatment was indicated.
The root canal was shaped with step-back technique. Calcium hydroxide was used as intracanal
medicament. The sinus tract disappeared one week later and root canals were obturated with sealer
(AH Plus) and gutta-percha points using lateral condensation technique. Two months later the
sinus tract healed completely and the periapical lesion disappeared. Calcium hydroxide dressing is
recommended in the treatment of extraoral lesions communicating with necrotic teeth.