
Where science does not reach, the scientific organization of work arrives, if it is applied globally. The quicksand of governments, entrepreneurs and global bureaucrats that block purification and interactive energies

Luigi Antonio Pezone

With this article with an unusual but significant title and sub-title, I simply reply with this umpteenth open letter to the letter from the Italian Patent Office that on 04.11. 2020, he sent me a letter having the following object: Demand n. 102020000000031 Search report sent to let me know for the umpteenth time that I can't do my job as an inventor because I continue to violate the principles of energy conservation. My answer, as usual, is long and complex, but they will not read it because they have not read anything of what I have deposited in my forty-one patent deposits, otherwise they would have understood something. This is the reason why I respond with open letters. Someone, sooner or later, in the whole world, will begin to read what I write and gradually it will be understood that on planet Earth above all the principles of energy conservation have been wrong. In particular, the thermodynamic ones: they are described as specific principles and isolated from the surrounding environment. Instead, energy conservation is another thing. It can only be understood by studying the collateral phenomena, chemical, physical, biological, electromagnetic, produced by energy production in the real and global world. Not in theoretical systems and isolated from other systems. The side effects depend, above all, on the energy source used. In the real world, energy conservation does not take place according to the rules learned by heart of the three principles of thermodynamics, but by closing all the collateral cycles that open energy production, regardless of whether it is thermal, chemical, mechanical, fluid dynamics, electromagnetic energy. Not having completely closed the open collateral cycle’s means that we have never respected the true principles of energy conservation. The undersigned, on the other hand, in fifteen years has described in his patents practical examples of how the collateral cycles opened through the scientific organization of work in human homes, in chimneys, sewers, purifiers, thermal power plants and how all these systems must be connected to each other in order not to waste part of the energy in the environment, which, not finding the corresponding interactive components, are transformed into global pollution, which gradually, in addition to environmental disasters, by altering all the natural chemical and biological balances has also produced a large part of the current diseases, especially lung diseases, and viruses that attack humans and animals.