Volume 2, Problème 1 (2013)

article de recherche

Profound Thrombocytopenia after Treatment with Tirofiban; On-Pump Surgery for Acute Aortic Dissection and Coronary Bypass Surgery

  • Beckers Stefan, Remory Isabel, Van Der Meeren Sam, Bougie Daniel, Demanet C, Jochmans K and Poelaert Jan

article de recherche

Effects of an Extract of Hawthorn on Arterial Blood Pressure in Anaesthetized Rats

  • Susan WS Leung, Miranda MW Wong and Ricky YK Man

article de recherche

Mortality Reduction with Administration of Abciximab during Primary PCI is Confined to STEMI Patients with Complex Lesions

  • Allan Zeeberg Iversen, Soren Galatius, Sune Pedersen, Ulrik Abildgaard and Jan Skov Jensen