
Analytical Comparison between Spectrophotometer and Portable Glucometer for Measurement of Blood Glucose in Horse

Yoseph Cherinet Megerssa*, Nanoshe Taye Jima

Objective: Analytical methods comparison for the determination of blood glucose are essential in clinical laboratory practice as it improves the quality of health care through accurate and reliable clinical decision making. Therefore, the study was done to assess the analytical performance between point-of-care glucometer named easy touch glucose monitoring system and spectrophotometer named EMP-168 biochemical analyzer for blood glucose determination in horse. Results: Twenty paired samples from horses visiting SPANA clinic of college of veterinary medicine and agriculture Addis Ababa University was used. Data obtained from both instruments was compared. The results showed that the mean value of blood glucose concentrations were higher in glucometric method (106 mg/dl) than the spectrophotometric (73 mg/dl) with the calculated t-statistic significantly different p-value of 0.000. This study showed the clinical inaccuracy of the glucometer over the spectrophotometer