ISSN: 2375-4516
Article d'opinion
Patent Infringement: Understanding the Nature, Impact, and Enforcement
Branding of Intellectual Property Rights: Creating Value and Protection
Communication courte
Piracy of Intellectual Property Rights: Comprehending the Impact and Solutions
Innovation through Industrial Design: Addressing Customer Requirements and Improving Lives
Loyalty and Employee Association: Driving Productivity in Organizations
Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement: Safeguarding Innovation
Intellectual Property Offices: Safeguarding the Innovation in the Global Economy
Understanding the Behavioral Aspects of People: An Exploration into Human Nature
Exploring the Ethical Philosophy of Individuals: Unraveling the Moral Landscape
Article de révision
La mobilité comme droit fondamental de l'homme : une compréhension contextualisée de la mobilité chez les personnes handicapées physiques dans le district rural de Talensi, au Ghana