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Volume 5, Problème 1 (2014)

article de recherche

Differential Expression of Pathogenesis Related Protein Genes in Tomato during Inoculation with A. Solani

  • Priti Upadhyay, Ashutosh Rai, Rajesh Kumar, Major Singh and Brajesh Sinha

article de recherche

Antimicrobial Behavior of Intracellular Proteins from Two Moderately Halophilic Bacteria: Strain J31 of Terribacillus halophilus and Strain M3- 23 of Virgibacillus marismortui

  • Badiaa Essghaier, Cyrine Dhieb, Awatef Rezgui Abdellatif Boudabous, Saida Ayari, Awatef Rezgui and Najla Sadfi-Zouaoui

article de recherche

Correlations between Soluble Sugar and Phenol Contents in Leaves and Pear Scab Resistance

  • Yanbin Hua, Huangping Guo, Xin-Gen Zhou, Xiao Li, Sheng Yang, Yuqin Song, Ning Ma, Chenbo Chai, Xin Qiao and Liulin Li