Volume 3, Problème 3 (2004)

Rapport de cas

Early recognition of life-threatening cervicofacial infections of dental origin

  • Emilia Ianes, Serban Rosu, Felicia Streian, Adriana Rosu

Article court

Points of view on pulp mineralization

  • Maria Vataman, Sorin Andrian, Raluca Dragomir, Mihaela Salceanu, Tudor Hamburda

Rapport de cas

Squamous cell carcinoma of the mandibular alveolar ridge

  • Hatice Altundal. Kemal Seneift, Ozhan Celebiler

article de recherche

Educational compliance with infection control practices in dentistry

  • Lucia Bârlean, Ioan Dãnilã, Carmen Hanganu, Monica Pãruº, Iulia Sãveanu, Alice Murariu, Livia Mihailovici Iasi, Romania

article de recherche

Study on improving oral hygiene in a group of 12-year-old children after a toothbrushing training programme

  • Cristina Nuca, Corneliu Amariei, Daniela-Laura Rusu, Camelia Comsa

Article court

Diabetic patient's knowledge level on oral health and habits (questionnaire)

  • Serap Akyuz, Aysen Yarat, Hikmet Bayer, Ali Ipbuker