Avancées modernes en robotique

Communication courte

Application of the "General Sinus" theorem on the facial recognition algorithm

  • Mostafa Derraz, Faouzya El Farissi and Abdellatif Ben Abdellah

Communication courte

Evolution and machine learning in robotics

  • Mohammed Terry Jack

Communication courte

Building a robotic eco system using ALTON

  • Hanoona Abdul Rasheed

Communication courte

Robotic manufacturing systems using internet of things

  • Hamed Fazlollahtabar

Communication courte

Robotics-edge m2m communication framework: a study

  • Alaa Badokhon and Ammar Al Nahari

Communication courte

False positives of the emergence of AI robots

  • Abdullah Al Zakwani

Communication courte

Robot and Stem Trainer

  • Anas Jaradat