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Volume 4, Problème 1 (2013)

article de recherche

A Microemulsion for the Oral Drug Delivery of Pitavastatin

  • Evren Gundogdu, Yucel Baspinar, Cinel Koksal, Iskender Ince and Ercument Karasulu

article de recherche

The Effect of Different Contraceptive Drugs on the Lipid Profile of Brazilian Women

  • Bianca Stocco, elen F. Fumagalli, Silvio Antônio Franceschini, Cleni Mara Marzocchi Machado and Maria Regina Torqueti Toloi

article de recherche

Lawsonia Inermis: Its Anatomy and its Antimalarial, Antioxidant and Human Breast Cancer Cells MCF7 Activities

  • Fatiha El Babili, Alex Valentin and Christian Chatelain

article de recherche

The Development and Validation of a Thin Layer Chromatography Densitometry Method for the Analysis of Diclofenac Sodium Tablets

  • Eliangiringa Kaale, Bugusu C Nyamweru, Vicky Manyanga, Mhina Chambuso and Thomas Layloff



  • Sousa e Silva JP